Tuesday, 26 May 2015

Photography Tips for your Holiday Home

 Your mission when you are taking photos of your rental property is to get as many good pictures as you can. Getting the best pictures of your property is not hard, but it will take some effort and technique.

What Camera?

You can take good photos with just about any digital camera less than 5 years old that has a flash. The real question should be, can I use my iPhone or smartphone? Yes you can, if you follow some of the following tips.

Phone Photography Tips

The biggest drawback of using your Phone is the lack of flash. That little flash is OK for ‘selfies’, but it just doesn’t have the muscle to light up a room. That being said, the actual camera in most smartphones in the last 3 years can take some really good photos, if you have enough light to begin with.
Try these tips:
  • Turn on the HDR (High Dynamic Range) feature. This feature tells the computer in your iphone to take three pictures at the same time, and then the computer inside your phone combines the best elements of all three shots to give you a real life looking picture.
  • Keep your hand still and wait for your camera to focus before taking the photo
  • Get as much light into your house as possible. I’ll tell you how in a moment.

Declutter in 5 minutes

The trick is to move things around and play with the angles.
  • Remove all tea towels and bath towels
  • Remove remotes and magazines from all bench tops and tables
  • Pack up or put in a box all the small things on the ground
  • If the fridge is loaded with fridge magnets remove them
  • Remove all dishes from the kitchen sink and bench tops.
The key is to get all the small distractions out of the shot which means playing with the angles. Holiday makers are going to see a great picture in your ad BUT don’t need to know about the pile of stuff behind you!

Show your Holiday Home in the Best Light

Sunny and bright rooms not only make technically better pictures, people looking for a holiday homes respond better to them. Follow these tips to make your pictures brighter:
  • Open all the curtains and blinds
  • Open all the doors (every bit of light counts)
  • Shoot your pictures during the day to take advantage of the light
  • Turn on all the lights (even lamps and the range hood in the kitchen)
There are a number of ways to take great pictures of your property. If you know some tricks or have any other comments please add them below so we can share them with everyone.

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